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To order, call 713.221.1600 or 800.950.8277 or

email us at sales@eagle-tool.com


You are…

Charged without electricity. Strong and fearless. Passionate and creative. You are thinking even when you sleep at night. You are a leader. You are bold, relentless, and willing to do whatever it takes to support your team. You are a warrior. Responsible and resourceful. Wise and unpretentious. And you want to work in a company that fits your definition of you. A company that gives you the tools to succeed. And the opportunity to make a difference.

We are…

Eagle/Tqptek is a dynamic drilling and cutting tool firm headquartered in Houston, Texas. Over 4 decades old, we are dedicated to surpassing our clients’ expectations of customer service and consultation. We offer a casual, but focused, work environment and seek smart, ethical, and motivated job candidates.

  • Health Insurance (for full-time employees)
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Pharmacy

Contact us today if you are interested in a career with Eagle Taptek!